This side of the forest longing for the
great ocean a large scale drawing presented in
Belgrade in the form of
a poster and a website comprised by the serbian public. The work is
about sharing, collecting and reflecting the
general in the particular concerning memory, wandering of thoughts,
personal and geographical realities.
The work derives from the current state of affairs where mobility has
both a front side as well as a back side,
irrespectively moving from one place to another ad up and becomes
part of one’s private history.
Please also visit; which is a
container for narrratives on the web.
A site comprised of work made by the audience through an open call in
response to the poster.
Do you miss some one you have lost? What time is it?
You can add a comment to the letter by uploading texts, sound
and/or images. Images; a song,
a picture of a drawing you’ve made or simply describe your references
or personal experiences with words.