The Wave (Libra) (2013) is an
installation of large-scale papers, collages and drawings. The
work invites the viewer to enter into a book.
Large numbered sheets of paper direct the action creating a
structure that the viewer orientates through.
A wave is a physical phenomenon, a disturbance or oscillation that
travels through space-time, accompanied by a transfer of energy.
In Swedish it is also an astronomical constellation depicting the
scales of justice (Libra). Taken as a slice of reality,
but delimited by the viewers’ subjective perception, the work will
describe an event as seen from behind or from within, beyond the
line of sight.
The Wave (Libra) is a text-based study of wave-motion, which
exists in the context of contemporary life given multidimensional
Fields of allusions and emotions, such as fears, movement and
travel, extend their meanings into the spheres of economy,
collective society and the private self.
The text is a kind of container for the imaginary, and sketches
and models exemplify a personal search, as well as a connection
with the
present and the collective. Based on observations and lyrics, the
viewer is invited to shift perspectives and develop the artist´s
thought process.
The Wave (Libra) was originally shown at the ARTES , Porto,