The part of the reality I need (paper circus) (2009)
A live event with paper and ink and in collaboration with
circus students. Out of a poem of mine, a setdesign, costumes,
props and a circusperformance was being made.
The event took place during one afternoon in a space with glass
walls in a shopping mall. The act starts with an empty room with
paper on the floor, and the perfomers in
black dancing suits. On the wall a giant handwritten ”to do list”
was´ hanging as well as the poem. The set and props and costumes
was made out of paper and ink.
The poem is a part of The part of the reality I need (2009) a work
made as a public comission for Stora Sätra school in Gävle.
From the monumental ”to do list”;
In the shoppingmall:
Drawing with artist and circus
Workshop / open rehearsal
Paper, pens
Erika needs a newspaper
Two persons on top of each other
Gigantic paper girl
Create props and setdesign
What’s is it about?
Love? Acrobatics?
Try out movements
Robins skeleton, wings of paper
Make a rope out of paper
Is it possible to jump through a paper?